Jennifer Thornton, Visit Edmond Tourism Director, received the Champion of Character certificate for the character trait of thoroughness on December 3rd at the Visit Edmond office. Edmond History Museum Executive Director, Amy Stephens nominated Jennifer for the honor. Jennifer’s mother, Marita Deatsch, Visit Edmond Destination Services Coordinator, Jodi Fetrow, Character Council of Edmond President, Jim Hulsey, Vice-President, Diane Krakowski and board member, Gloria Baumann also attended the presentation.
Amy said, “Jennifer has a talent for thinking through all aspects of a project and then keeping all parties informed. Along the way, she makes people feel included and has very detailed action plans, so that you never get the feeling that something was thrown together.”
Jennifer was raised in Ohio by her parents, Ivan and Marita Deatsch. She was the oldest of 4 children. She described herself as a born organizer, bossy and responsible. In high school she enjoyed cheerleading and working on the staff of her high school newspaper. Jennifer thrived and others took notice of her achievements. Despite her natural inclination toward perfectionism, their encouragement fostered her eye for detail.
Jennifer’s dad, transferred to Edmond in 1994 when she was attending college at Ohio University. She was very active with the Association for Women in Communications. Through her networking relationships with the AWC, Jennifer received an internship at the Oklahoma Blood Institute and Edmond Chamber.
Her career spanned 4 different jobs. Each opportunity brought a step up in responsibilities. After interning she was employed at the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation. Later she worked with the United Way, the Greater OKC Chamber and Staplegun Advertising. She learned from great bosses. Accuracy was a hallmark of their successes, and she benefitted from their example.
Jennifer’s heart for non-profits began by observing her mother’s own passion. Through the years, Jennifer served as president of several non-profits. Setting goals and leading the organizations to meet their objectives brought a sense of fulfillment. Her precision enabled her to excel in leadership roles.
Amy said, “Jennifer is a master at balancing many tasks at one time, especially ones that have a long trajectory.”
For example, Jennifer’s current position as Tourism Director at Visit Edmond, partners her with other leaders in Edmond to move closer to her long-time personal ambitions of making Edmond “a place to be connected” and a place that attracts tourism.
A 2020 Grant enabled Jennifer to work with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to create better wayfinding in Edmond. Their plan is to put up 100 signs by the end of the year. The signs will help link residents and newcomers with places of interests within Edmond, such as the library, parks and the History Museum.
Amy said, “Another example is her work toward growing Edmond's Route 66 presence through events, landmarks and holiday happenings. She has worked with many partners to bring the Miracle on 2nd Street Christmas event to life. In all cases, she has stayed the course and included many people in her communications.”
Jennifer and her husband, Tony, married in June 2023. Between the two they have 7 children, sometimes creating a lively household. The blended family includes Nathan Seaton 25, his wife Brylee, Becca Seaton 23, Gabe Seaton 15, Abbey Thornton 20, Aimee Thornton 20, Alex Thornton 19, and Andy Thornton, 14.
Sometimes thoroughness can have its downsides. Jennifer said, “Balancing work life with family is difficult because it’s hard to know when it’s good enough and stopping. Work is always there and there will always be something.”
Jennifer observed that parenting her older children was different than it is with her youngest son, Gabe. She has learned to spend more time enjoying life.
Her dad died a couple of years ago. Jennifer said, “I recognized thoroughness and doing the best at life—isn’t everything. The things you remember are the meaningful relationships and family. I’ve learned to do that, and I also have support from my husband. He helps draw the line with ‘good enough.’”
The concept of “carefree timelessness” from Matthew Kelly’s book, Seven Levels of Intimacy is one of the strategies she found to keep her family a priority. The concept inspired Jennifer and her daughter, Becca, to set aside 11/11 as a special day for the two of them to focus on one another. There doesn’t have to be a specific plan, if they get to spend the time together. They both have tattoos commemorating the date.
Amy said, “Edmond has greatly benefitted from Jennifer's ability to follow through with ideas, from beginning to wrap up, and in many cases, improving on the project the following year. You know that a project under Jennifer's watch will be done well.”
Find out more about what’s happening in Edmond at, including the Explore Route 66, Miracle on 2ndStreet Christmas and other plans to “make Edmond a place to be connected.” Be sure to subscribe to the Visit Edmond Newsletter and request an Edmond Guide."
On behalf of the City of Edmond and the Character Council of Edmond, Jennifer Thornton was honored as a Champion of Character for exemplifying the character trait of thoroughness, defined by Character First as “taking care of necessary details.”
Pictured: Jennifer Thornton
Please complete the form located on our website to recognize an EDMOND citizen for a specific character trait. Forms may be submitted from the website or mailed to the
Character Council of Edmond
Champions of Character
PO Box 392
Edmond, OK 73083-0392.
or contact: Gloria Baumann (405) 317-9089
Champions of Character Honorees
2014 to Present
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